Rajasthan CET Graduation Admit Card will be released on 19th September at 6:00 pm, which candidates can download from the official website of Staff Selection Board and SSO portal. Rajasthan CET Graduation Exam will be conducted on 27th September and 28th September.
Online applications for Rajasthan CET Graduation Level were invited from 7 August to 7 September. 1341042 candidates have applied for this. All the candidates are waiting for its admit card since applying. The wait for Rajasthan CET Graduation Level Admit Card is over. In this regard, an official notice has been issued by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board. According to this, the admit cards for Rajasthan CET Graduation Level Exam will be issued on September 19 at 6:00 pm.
Rajasthan CET Graduation Level Exam will be conducted on 27th September and 28th September. In this, the first phase exam will be conducted on 27th September from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. After this, the second phase exam will be conducted on 27th September from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. After this, the third phase exam will be conducted on 28th September from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and then the final phase i.e. fourth phase exam will be conducted on 28th September from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Rajasthan CET Graduation Level Exam Admit Card will be declared on 27th September at 6:00 PM. After this, candidates will be able to download the admit card by visiting the official website of RSMSSB or SSO portal. Candidates will need application number and date of birth to download the admit card on the official website of Rajasthan Staff Selection Board, whereas candidates will be able to download the admit card on the SSO portal only by logging in with the help of SSO ID. Candidates are required to take their admit card and an original identity card with a photo to the examination center. Apart from this, the candidates will have to follow all the guidelines related to the examination.
Process to download Rajasthan CET Graduation Admit Card
First of all, the candidates have to visit the official website of Rajasthan Staff Selection Board, after that click on the admit card option on the home page, after that click on the link of Rajasthan CET Graduation Level Admit Card 2024, after that the candidate has to fill his application number, date of birth and the asked information and click on Get Admit Card, due to which the admit card of the candidate will open on the screen, now the candidate has to check his admit card and take a printout of it and keep it safe.
Apart from the official website, candidates can also download the admit card by visiting the SSO portal, for this the candidates have to login to the SSO portal with the SSO ID, after that click on the admit card option in the recruitment portal, then click on the link of City Graduation Level Admit Card 2024, which will open the admit card on your screen, then the candidates can take a print out of the admit card.
Rajasthan CET Graduation Admit Card Check
Check Rajasthan CET Graduation Level Admit Card Notice Here
Download Rajasthan CET Graduation Level Admit Card Here: Link I , Link II